I will explain how you can have a quick CRUD App for Android in minutes.
I made a html code generator that produce a simple CRUD using HTML5.
So you can create lists, or simple catalogs in minutes, just go to:
Then define the columns of your CRUD.
Then generate online the code.
You will have the HTML5 code that can be used in:
a) Your local computer
b) Your Web Server
c) In your Android or iOS Phone.
But also if you want an Android App , just generate the APK on the site, the apk will be send it to you by email or can be downloaded from the site.
To get the Apk you just need to donate whatever quantity you want! with Paypal, so this will save you time.
But if you want to go the long way, you can use the HTML5 to embed it into your favorite hybrid framework to produce Apps.
Email me at carlosru@factware.info